Sunday, August 12, 2012

FLR Websites vs My Life

The great thing about life is you get to choose what you want.  You don't have to do it the same way as anyone else.  For instance, Alex and I enjoy the Female Led Relationship (FLR) lifestyle.   But, we don't take it too far if you know what I mean.  We do what works for us.

As for the sites I've mentioned before (some are in the right column).  I don't go as far as any of those sites in asserting my authority in our marriage -- at least not at this point.  To our friends and family, they'd have to be extremely perceptive to realize what is really going on.

For the most part, they simply think we are a couple seriously in love  (we are, can't keep hands off each other) and that Alex is a doting husband.  For now, that's all I need.  One day, I might want to assert
more public authority over Alex, and I think he secretly would "get off" on that.  But, there's lots of potential problems with doing that, especially for our kids. 

So, for now, this works.  Most of the display of domination happens between just the two of us, privately.  Of course, we have lots of fun in regular life sort of dancing around it.   Like, we might have a normal discussion amongst family or friends where I want to do one thing and maybe Alex wants to do another and he'll say something like "whatever you say dear" or something like that, and we'll exchange knowing glances or giggles. 

So, it's always fun.   But, Alex and I both know that I have the ultimate say now, if it comes to that.  But, honestly, he is so into pleasing me that he goes out of his way to agree with me anyway.  This is a great thing
about female led marriage -- we have very little conflict.

How far will it go.  I really don't know.  Life is an adventure, right?

Good FLR Books

OK, I've mentioned a few books and websites that I thought were good in other posts.  But, figured I'd list a few more here.  Some of the books I've read, some I hope to read.  Here you go:

 At Her Feet

 His Deep Submission

Control Your Submissive Boy

Uniquely Rika

Love the cover shot of the submissive boy one (might dress up Alex sometime like that).  And, 150 ideas for how to control him and have fun -- should be worth a few bucks. 

There are so many good, serious, intelligent books out there about the Female Led Relationship (FLR) lifestyle -- it's hard to choose. 

Let me know if you stumble on any good ones. 

Off to read....

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Does Female Led Marriage Make Husband Just Another Child?

Of course not.  Not any more than the traditional male dominated marriage made women just another child.   I saw a chart that was interesting on -- about flr -- (I think it was there though I can't find it now) that showed how nearly all marriages lean one way or the other.

My husband is my husband.  He does all the sorts of things husbands do.  You would have to know us well to have any idea anything is different in our marriage.  It's simply that I make most of the decisions in the house -- including in the bedroom.  And, we both "get off" on this non-traditional power arrangement.  It works well for us
both.  But, actually my husband now does much more to help me than he used to -- so, he's anything but another child.
Another way to look at it is (I read this somewhere) -- my husband is King of the home.  But, his most important job is to love the Queen of the home (me) and make sure my needs are met.  When they are, things function well for everyone.  He fulfills his role as King by ceding much of his power and authority (even over things in his own life) to me.